LVM's Environmental Action Blog

The purpose of this blog is to convey the importance that life choices and daily decisions have on the environment. I will, as a member of the kayaking community, effectively convey the importance and immediacy of environmental issues written in the paddling vernacular.

Friday, January 07, 2005

the beginning

Welcome to lvm’s environmental action corner. Before you write us off as just another bunch of green elitists, consider: This is not just another group of environmentalists standing on a soap box, preaching about how and why things need to change. We are not prima donnas. We are, however, very enthusiastic about the environmental issues of the day and our ability and opportunity to make a positive impact. This blog will journal the collaboration between an environmental scientist and the kayaking media conglomerate, LVM. Our goals are simple:

1. To bring to the forefront all aspects of the unavoidable relationship between the natural environment and those individuals who enjoy it, specifically whitewater kayakers.

2. To highlight the methods which environmentally conscious individuals within the whitewater community are using to make a positive difference.

3. To introduce to as many people as possible the ways and means of living a more conservative lifestyle.

4. To make being green easy and cool.
Using lvm’s status as an established media outlet, we hope to show people through video segments, magazine articles, and websites how to make a positive impact. In our first project, for example, we want to connect people with the resources and information to switch their cars over to biodeisel, while telling the story of a person or business that already has.
So join us for a journey into something new and exciting. See and learn how easy you too can make a positive impact on the natural environment that we as kayakers have grown to love and enjoy.


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