more at home enviro--straw bale

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Some really fabulous and environmentally friendly innovations aren’t new at all: straw bale as a building material for instance. This agricultural waste product may sound like something the three little pigs warned you about, but can offer some major advantages over conventional building materials.
1. Inexpensive—farmers are giving this stuff away and incinerating what they can’t get rid of. Pay some transportation costs and it’s yours.
2. Allows for a unique building style—rounded corners, exposed beams: beautiful
3. It breathes!—using plaster for your walls allows the whole house to literally breathe. That’s some great news for people with allergies and/or young children.
Worries about increased flammability, decomposition, and mold and mildew problems are non-issues. Check out Straw Building to answer some these and other frequently asked questions.
Once you’re ready and raring to go here’s some contact info on where, who, and how:
Mike Skinner . . . . 800-327-9429 (that's 1-800-EASYHAY) or
Straw Locator
Hay Exchange
Great builders have been putting together some really amazing straw bale homes in many different locations and environments. The mountains of western North Carolina have a very wet and humid environment, but some beautiful stray bale homes can and have been built here. Check out Sustainable Structures
for perhaps the best and most personal design and construction team, if you’re ready to go all out. Tell Evan that Mefford sent you, and you’ll be in like Flin.
This is one of Evan’s very beautiful design and construction projects:

Sustainable Structures
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